Circus Foundry presents "Sonder" a ensemble contemporary circus show. Experience the excitement of daring acrobats, high flying aerialists, amazing jugglers, hilarious clowns, and more! Watch as our characters dive into a journey where they discover the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as their own. A story of people trying to break perceptions to find connections in everyday life. Find yourself immersed in our world of high quality ensemble circus!

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2019 Tour

Albuquerque, NM / Kimo Theater / June 16th

Fort Collins, CO / Lincoln Center / JuNe 23rd

Colorado Springs, CO / Ent Center / June 29th

Denver, Co / Cleo Parker Robinson Dance / July 6-7th

Boulder, CO / Dairy Arts Center / July 20-21st